Special accessories
- Multiple
pedal controls: three, four or five pedal controls can be fitted on a
metallic plate, even with mushroom shaped emergency red button (according
to standards EN 418).
- Special
pedal controls with 3 or 4 microswitches 1A+1C.
- Pedal
with 2 switches activated in 2 times: first switch activated with the
pedal lever half pressed, and second switch activated with the pedal lever
full pressed.
- Double
pedal lever with emergency red pedal without protection.
- On
request our pedals can be cabled.
- We
can paint our bimanual push button panel or pulpit in different colours
(for numbers).
- Different
sizes for protection ring for control pulpits.
To learn more about our products contact us
(our technical office is at Your disposal) or see our on line catalogue
(including technical specifications and dimension) at www.stzsrl.it
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S.T.Z. s.r.l. 23877 Paderno d’Adda (LC) Italy
Strada delle Brigole n° 2/A
Tel: ++39039514038 (English spoken) – Fax:
E-Mail: stz@stzsrl.it - Internet page: www.stzsrl.it